My journey as a beekeeper took flight after moving to Maui in 1998, encouraged a decade later by the folks at Maui Bees. I was an eager student, devouring books, surfing forums, and saying yes to hive removals that were beyond intimidating. I followed the advice of modern agricultural models, trying to ‘do it right,’ and often ended up feeling like I was the enemy in my apiaries.
Through years of trial and error, my methods have evolved to incorporate influences from various times and cultures. I am cautious to name or label my style as it continues to change; the more I explore, the more I realize the core of my methods is primarily informed by the bees themselves. Honeybees are living examples of love in action, and every day they are teaching me a more holistic approach that considers my place in the ecosystem.
My journey as a beekeeper took flight
after moving to Maui in 1998, encouraged
a decade later by the folks at Maui Bees. I
was an eager student, devouring books,
surfing forums, and saying yes to hive
removals that were beyond intimidating. I
followed the advice of modern
agricultural models, trying to do it right,
and often ended up feeling like I was the
enemy in my apiaries.
Through years of trial and error, my
methods have evolved to incorporate
influences from various times and cultures.
I am cautious to name or label my style as it
continues to change the more I explore,
but the core of my methods is primarily
informed by the bees themselves. Honeybees
are living examples of love in action, and every
day they are teaching me a more holistic
approach that considers my place
in the ecosystem.